Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Cry the Beloved Country - 595 Words

Cry the Beloved Country â€Å"Cry for the broken tribe, for the law and the custom is gone. Cry, the beloved country, these things are not yet at an end (Paton, 105).† In Cry, the Beloved Country, it is 1946 and the land reserved for blacks in Ndotsheni, a part of South Africa, is drying up. In the novel written by Alan Paton, young men and women begin to leave Ndotsheni for the new city Johannesburg. One of those gone is John Kumalo, a businessman in Johannesburg and younger brother of Stephen Kumalo, a reverend in Ndotsheni. Stephen and John Kumalo differ in their regards for family, religion, and corruption. Stephen has a brother, sister, and son that left him years ago, none of which writes to him. Yet, he still misses them†¦show more content†¦He tells Stephen that it cannot be proven that his son was there with Absalom when Absalom killed Jarvis. John only rescues his son but leaves his nephew to hang dry. When Stephen confronts John after the trial, John becomes enraged and th rows Stephen out. He has no more need for his family, just as years ago. Stephen is the Zulu reverend of St. Marks Church in Ndotsheni. He is proud that he is a pastor. Stephen is a good man and is respectful of others, even to the white man. Though being a reverend does not pay much, it is Stephen’s humbleness and sufferings that make him remain being a reverend. He helps others in their time of need and sufferings. He uses religion to bring his people together. During the time in Johannesburg, he becomes upset at the immoral ways of his loved ones. He speaks out and later repents for forgiveness. When it is time for Absalom’s execution, Stephen goes up to the mountains to pray. Therefore, his faith in God remains strong even after all his trials. While Stephen praises the Church, John openly denounces it. John no longer belongs to the Anglican Church. He criticizes the bishops who complain about the Natives labor laws but does not do anything to change th em. John believes that the time to take action is now. He thinks one cannot wait for God to take charge. As a result, John’s morals sway toward the white man’s ways, in which he condemns. Corruption runsShow MoreRelatedCry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton838 Words   |  3 Pagesthis problem in Cry, the Beloved Country. Throughout the story, Paton adds specific personalities to his characters to contribute to change. Characters in Cry, the Beloved Country went through hardships that changed them to realize reality and its outcomes. Paton accordingly creates a picture throughout his story to explain the problems in South Africa. There are many contributing factors of Paton’s idea to identify as being important for change to occur in Cry, the Beloved Country. 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